¿Un cigarro electrónico podría explotar?

No case of exploding batteries in electronic cigarettes has been proven or known so far. At least, there has been any mishandling by the user or any negligence about their handling.

However, there are still some pernicious news about electronic cigarettes, what happens in this regard may be ill-infused advertising campaigns with the purpose of damaging a product that has been of important help for many people who had used other options such as chewing gums, patches, etc.

Such has been the evil of wanting to harm that an alleged explosion of an oxygen cylinder in England, gas that was near an electronic device, has spread, and another more recent case was the alleged explosion of a cigarette in the face of a vapeador.

The Myth

Hence the importance of clarifying that a battery of these devices does not explode unless it overheats and discharges spontaneously, these batteries are lithium-ion, they do not explode, but cause a release of energy which, in such a case, can cause burns, but never a broken face or teeth.

The cases have been investigated and it has been concluded that the whole thing is an absurd set-up and the supposed injuries correspond to make-up in the style of the best movie.

The batteries that make up the electronic cigarettes contain several layers that can store large amounts of electrical energy which are separated by layers of anodes and cathode layers. Therefore, since they are sufficiently isolated, it is almost impossible for these types of accidents to occur. In conclusion, we can affirm that the cases known about this matter are negligible if we consider the millions of batteries that are in use around the world.