Mejores resistencias para vapear

When vaping it is important to take into account the coil, but what is the best coil to vape, which one should I choose for my electronic cigarette, are some of the questions that people who are starting in this world can ask themselves.

It is complicated to know what type of coil can be the most suitable for our cigarette because the world of coils is immense, within it we find coils of all kinds, Single Coil, Dual Coil, Ni80 (Nichrome), stainless steel mesh, Mesh, etc..

The material of which these coils are made is also wide, we find from the versatile stainless steel to the well-known Kanthal. Finally there are the Clapton wires, currently on the market you can find an infinite number of them to choose the one that best suits the needs of your cigarette.

One of the best options to find the best coil for vaping is to take threads and try different types of diameters, turns, ohms and meters until you find what each vaper is looking for. Coil Master's 521 Plus Tab is a good choice of meter to do these tests.

But if these guidelines are too much for you, don't worry we have the solution, The coils we have fit CE4+, C5+, Protank-2, Mini Protank-2, Protank-3, Vivi Nova, DCT, T3S and EVOD type claromizers. Replaceable coils are very useful as they extend the life of the electronic cigarette and at the same time save money, the only drawback is that once the coil is not worth it will have to be replaced by a new one for the claromizer to continue working.

To find the best coil for vaping is as simple as looking for the one that meets your needs, since choosing a bad coil can spoil the flavor and vapor production.