Diferencia entre vapear y fumar

For many people the electronic cigarette and tobacco are the same, both can cause problems if consumed daily, however, few people know the real difference between vaping and smoking.

We want you to know the real differences that exist between both cases, then we will give you some notes on why vaping is not as harmful as smoking.

The first difference between vaping and smoking is that tobacco contains nicotine, however, in the electronic cigarette there are e-liquids where the existence of nicotine is null, a fact that has helped many to quit smoking. Another fact is that when you are smoking smoke is expelled and in the cigarette it is vapor.

The elements contained in tobacco can cause diseases such as lung or throat cancer, since in addition to nicotine it contains other chemical substances that are harmful to our health. These elements do not exist in vape capsules, as they are made of water, vegetable glycerin or flavorings.

Vape devices are a very positive substitute to quit smoking, since besides being healthier, they help to quit the addiction to nicotine that tobacco has.

If we make calculations of what we have spent during a year on tobacco we will see that it is a very high amount, a figure that will vary depending on the frequency with which you smoke, but making an average will surely be a high amount. If we look at the money spent with the electronic cigarette is much lower because they last longer and can be cleaned to keep them working.

These are some of the differences that we can give about vaping or smoking. In addition there are many studies with data that indicate that the use of electronic cigarettes is much healthier than tobacco and help to quit the vice.