Mitos sobre los cigarrillos electrónicos

There are still many myths surrounding electronic cigarettes, some of them born out of the ignorance of people who have not informed themselves about the world of vaping. While many of these myths are harmless to the reputation of e-cigarettes, there are a few that are worth clarifying to avoid possible misunderstandings.

Vaping will be illegal

A myth that became quite widespread during the beginning of e-cigarettes' emergence into the public eye. Many people claimed that it was nonsense, that it would soon be illegalized and that it was therefore not worth switching from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. How wrong they were!

Electronic cigarettes can be explosive

E-cigarettes are still electrical devices, and as such they can be dangerous, but only if the manufacturer's instructions are completely ignored or the safety guidelines are completely skipped, doing dangerous practices such as putting several batteries together in a single cigarette, or modifying it randomly. It could be said that this myth is a half-truth, since yes, indeed cigarettes can explode like any other electronic device, but to do so you have to provoke it on purpose.

E-cigarettes also contain nicotine and are therefore the same as tobacco.

While it is true that some e-cigarette liquids can carry nicotine (and even then there are those that do not), those nicotine levels are light years away from tobacco cigarettes, in the sense that they carry much less nicotine, and are therefore healthier.

Electronic cigarettes taste bad

False! No doubt this rumor was born from the ignorance of some, who were not properly informed about the different offers of e-liquids that are currently on the market, since as we have explained above, there are e-liquids of very different flavors: from fruit to candy, through somewhat peculiar flavors such as whiskey or rum. In our store you can find some examples of quality e-liquids to see for yourself!